Notes taken during Session 1 with David Linthicum & Michael Procopio

Lots of companies are using cloud but are finding they have little visibility of their estates.
There has been a mash rush to the cloud in 2022 and before, but this has often created disjointed silos of working, with one team working with the on-prem systems and another separate team looking at cloud.
Companies want to get rid of their datacentres, but are they are doing it in the best way possible?
Automation is going to be key for on-prem or cloud management moving forward.
Whether this be self-healing, maintenance or backups (for example), we need to identify areas of repeatability and automate where possible.
SecOps will also need to be involved in this automation push to minimise security breaches and strengthen security across the estates.
Most incident post-mortems come down to human error being the underlying cause of many issues.
Automation can help to reduce this.
Augment the automation with AI technology and leverage learning aspects of AI technology and tools.
Crucially, automation must be trusted else it won’t scale.
Some forward-thinking clients have created “AI maturity level” definitions and roadmaps to assess where they are and where they want to get to.
A great place to start is by identifying the biggest issues and most common fixes, automating and seeing instant benefits within the business.
People are struggling to solve issues in the cloud (more so than with on-prem).
Some systems or applications can’t be moved to the cloud – maybe because of technology or it just might not be economically viable to move these systems to a cloud environment.
Some companies are therefore looking to move these systems/applications away to Managed Service Providers (MSPs) or to colocation providers.
Some deployments are just a lot more expensive in the cloud, especially when you compare the reducing global hardware costs, it simple makes cloud a less attractive option for some instances.
What we are seeing is that rather than companies simply wanting to move datacentres to the cloud, they are leveraging cloud for some systems and moving the rest of the datacentre to MSPs or colocation facilities instead.